© Christian Hüller, www.christianhueller.de, LEIPZIG REGION

Hiking loop around Waldheim


  • Start: Waldheim, Niedermarkt
  • Cíl: Waldheim, Niedermarkt
  • střední
  • 12,17 km
  • 3 hod. 45 min.
  • 357 m
  • 264 m
  • 175 m

The scenic hike takes you to the various mountain ranges around Waldheim. Each offers a charming view of the town on the Zschopau River.

The ‘Waldheimer Höhenrundwanderweg’ is one of many developed hiking trails around the town on the Zschopau River. The scenic hike covers about 12 km and takes the hiker to the various elevations, such as Carola- or Schillerhöhe, Spitz- or Wachberg. Each elevation, including the Wachberg tower, allows a charming view of the city on the river Zschopau.

Panel cest

Povrch cesty

  • Není známo (86%)
  • Ulice (3%)
  • Asfalt (25%)
  • Štěrk (9%)
  • Pěšina (11%)


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