Z pramene Georgsquelle vyvěrá uznávaný přírodní lék. Jeho účinky si můžete vyzkoušet na vlastní kůži v termálních lázních "Miriquidi".
Pramen zdraví v Krušných horách - čtyři různé bazény s termální vodou 31 °C až 35 °C, se saunou, parní jeskyní a světelnou terapií, hloubka vody 1,35 m, perličkové lavice, lavičky, šíjové sprchy, masážní trysky.
Svěží a léčivá: termální voda Wiesenbad, která obsahuje moučnaté ionty a kyselinu uhličitou, má relaxační a protizánětlivé účinky.
Notes on accessibility / deviations from the pictograms:
The thermal bath is accessible for wheelchairs
Toilet for wheelchair users: door 97 cm, 150x150 cm in front of and 86 cm next to the toilet
Separate wheelchair user changing room with shower/toilet: door 84 cm, changing area 200x150 cm for turning a wheelchair, 115x160 cm in front of and 100 cm next to the toilet, Shower 160x115 cm
Pool lifts and rental shower wheelchairs available
The sauna area is accessible
Accessible features
indicated disabled parking space available
Entrance to the facility / paths within the facility
Door width min. 90 cm
Stepless access (max. 3 cm) or ramp
Door width min. 90 cm
Stepless access (max. 3 cm) or ramp
Floor area of lift min. 110x140 cm
Accessible toilet
Door width min. 90 cm
Stepless access (max. 3 cm) or ramp
Movement area in front of toilet bowl min. 150x150 cm
Area left or right of the toilet bowl min. 90 cm
Hinged hand rails at the side of the toilet bowl provided
Sanitary facilities for wheelchair users in accommodations / swimming baths / sports facilities
Door width min. 80 cm, stepless access (max. 3 cm) or ramp
Movement area in sanitary room min. 130x130 cm
Basin suitable for wheelchairs
Toilet: Movement area in front of toilet bowl min. 130x130 cm
Area left or right of the toilet bowl min. 80 cm
Hinged hand rails at the side of the toilet bowl provided
Shower: Stepless shower area, Shower area min. 120x120 cm
Hand rails provided, Shower seats or stools provided
Swimming baths
Lifter or ramp at the pool provided
Changing room space min. 150x150 cm
Seat in changing cubicle provided
Barrier-free sanitary facilities and accessible toilet provided