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German Romanticism in the Zittau Mountains


  • Dresden
  • Individuální nabídka, Nabídka…
  • od 490áp. P.

Mount Oybin with its castle and monastery ruins has found its way into painting.

"In every picture there is a luminous point that must remain alone. You can place it wherever you want, in a cloud, on a reflection of water, on a cap. But the important thing is that this luminosity does not recur anywhere else in the picture."

Caspar David Friedrich, who recognised the tranquillity and melancholy in this natural motif, created works in this magical place that leave an unforgettable impression of his 1810 hike with his friend Georg Friedrich Kersting. These include the famous paintings "The Dreamer" and "Hutten's Grave".


Tourismus Marketing Gesellschaft Sachsen mbH
Bautzner Straße 45 - 47
01099 Dresden

Tel.: 0351 49 17 00

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